GDSC Submission for Web Development Domain
I started by making a header div containing the hyperlinks for the various sections of the website.
I divided the website into 8 divisions:
About Me
Work Experience
I gave the website an overall black look with white text.
I gave the hyperlinks animations using CSS ‘hover’ and ‘after’ properties
I then worked on the Home Section, first I added the general introduction text for a portfolio website and to make it better I worked on animating the text.
I wanted a typewriter effect but since I lack knowledge of JS, I encountered several difficulties
While trying to create the desired effect. After a lot of hit and trial and some help from the internet, I was able to successfully create the animated effect I desired to create.
function sleep(ms) {
return new Promise**((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve,ms))**;
const phrases = ["Code.", "Game.", "Develop."];
const el = document.getElementById**("typewriter")**
let sleepTime = 78;
let curPhraseIndex = 0;
const writeLoop = async () => {
while (true) {
let curWord = phrases**[curPhraseIndex]**;
for (let i =0; i < curWord.length; i++) {
el.innerText = curWord.substring**(0, i + 1)**;
await sleep**(sleepTime)**;
await sleep**(sleepTime * 10)**;
for (let i =curWord.length; i > 0; i--) {
el.innerText = curWord.substring**(0, i - 1)**;
await sleep**(sleepTime)**;
await sleep**(sleepTime * 5)**;
if (curPhraseIndex === phrases.length - 1) {
curPhraseIndex = 0;
} else {
const phrases = ["Code.", "Game.", "Develop."];
const el = document.getElementById**("typewriter")**
The const phrases stores the elements code, game, develop which are displayed in the animated effect.
let sleepTime = 78;
sleepTime refers to the milliseconds of duration of every word that is displayed.
for (let i =curWord.length; i > 0; i--) {
el.innerText = curWord.substring**(0, i - 1)**;
await sleep**(sleepTime)**;
This loop removes the letters of the word.
for (let i =0; i < curWord.length; i++) {
el.innerText = curWord.substring**(0, i + 1)**;
await sleep**(sleepTime)**;
This loop adds the letters of the word that is sent to the console.
I made the div’s for the sections in the menu bar so that upon clicking a section it will take you to its respective div.
I added some images to the websites to make it more lively and added sample text.
I then added respective social media icons in the contact section.
I also added media tags of 1060px, 790px, 630px, and 440px and added appropriate dimensions for each element in respective dimensions to make the webpage responsive and a script code to make it so that a sidebar opens up for the mobile site navigation;
Though I encountered a lot of difficulties while trying to make the website responsive I tried to make it as responsive as possible.
var menu = document.querySelector**('.menu')**;
var menuBtn = document.querySelector**('.menu-btn')**;
var closeBtn = document.querySelector**('.close-btn')**;
menuBtn.addEventListener**(**"click", () => {
closeBtn.addEventListener**(**"click", () => {
Here, the script checks if the menu-btn is active or not and activates the sidebar based upon that and another icon is used for closing it and is named close-btn,
<div class\="btn">
<i class\="fas fa-times close-btn "></i>
<div class\="btn">
<i class\="fas fa-bars menu-btn"></i>
The icons are taken from Boxicons, you can check them out here.
To go to the website: click here
Created By
Harshal Taunk
I Semester - C
GITAM University, Visakhapatnam